Welcome to our platform!
Here, Indonesian agricultural producers can showcase their incredible products and share captivating information about themselves in our user-friendly catalog. Gain access to a plethora of convenient tools that will help you attract eager buyers, facilitate secure transactions, and streamline your logistics—all at a remarkably low cost. Join us today and unlock the potential of your agricultural business!
Selamat datang di platform kami!
Di sini, produsen pertanian Indonesia dapat memamerkan produk-produk luar biasa mereka dan berbagi informasi menarik tentang diri mereka dalam katalog kami yang mudah digunakan. Dapatkan akses ke sejumlah alat praktis yang akan membantu Anda menarik pembeli yang berminat, memfasilitasi transaksi yang aman, dan menyederhanakan logistik Anda—semuanya dengan biaya yang sangat rendah. Bergabunglah dengan kami hari ini dan buka potensi bisnis pertanian Anda!
Discover a world of convenience as a buyer on our platform!
Gain seamless access to an extensive catalog filled with irresistible offers from Indonesian farmers and agricultural producers. Engage in transactions directly with sellers or take advantage of our secure platform tools for an extra layer of protection. With our platform, you can trust that every step of the transaction is carefully monitored, ensuring guaranteed shipment of your order and prompt payment to the supplier. Embrace hassle-free purchasing and embark on a delightful journey with us today!

The platform regularly conducts advertising campaigns on Google, Bing, Yandex search services, social networks, etc.
Regularly updates Google Market listings of products offered by Indonesian agricultural producers registered on the Indopanen platform.
Collective advertising significantly reduces advertising costs, and a wide range of offers attracts the attention of potential buyers.
Platform ini secara rutin mengadakan kampanye iklan di layanan pencarian Google, Bing, Yandex, media sosial, dan lainnya.
Secara berkala memperbarui daftar produk di Google Market yang ditawarkan oleh produsen pertanian Indonesia yang terdaftar di platform Indopanen.
Iklan kolektif secara signifikan mengurangi biaya iklan, dan beragam penawaran menarik perhatian calon pembeli.

Thanks to established relationships with the best transport companies, we offer favorable rates for the transportation of most goods.
Payment options for transport services are available after the customer receives the goods.
Buyers can pay for goods upon receipt.

To ensure the best security, the platform offers the possibility to pay for goods through an account opened on the platform.
Information on the invoice, as well as information on the status of the order, will be displayed on the toolbar in the personal account of the supplier and buyer and will allow you to be sure that the payment has been made and the goods have been sent.
The funds will be transferred to the supplier's account immediately after receiving information from the transport company that the goods have been delivered.